Monday, January 31, 2011

GPS & Emergency Roadside Kit giveaway @Girl Gone Mom

I hate to admit this, but I'm the type who would get lost in a paper bag. LOL! For the longest time, I've been wanting a GPS but have been unable to afford it.

Well, lucky me, Girl Gone Mom is having a giveaway which includes a GPS unit and State Farm Insurance Emergency roadside kit! Who couldn't use that?

So head over and enter or wish me luck ;)

Have a Magical Monday my friends!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Flashback Friday

I've been thinking back on when I met my first love. I can't say that I remember the particular day or even the individual but I can remember the time and how I felt.

I was filled with excitement, music was in the air and I was loving it. I was a young girl filled with big dreams. I just wanted to know everything there was to know.

As time wore on my love grew stronger. But there is one moment that stands out in my mind. It was when I heard her voice. She gave me a new sense of joy. It was not because she was the first, but she was only 14 when I heard her. I was a little younger but, I thought it was the coolest thing to hear a girl rock the mic. I bought the record and wore it out. This lady is one of my idols!

Some things never change. Hip hop will always be my first love.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Our very own Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Joe's Shopping

Have you heard about JoeShopping ? It's a social networking/deal sharing website!

Start a profile and begin sharing deals. Many of us inform others of great deals via Twitter and Facebook but at JoeShopping the deals are organized and will not get lost or need to be saved to favorites :)

Right now, JoeShopping is having an Amazon gift card giveaway at Green Mom Blog Check it out and take a chance on finding the best deals and winning a $100 Amazon gift card!

Good luck!

Monday, January 24, 2011

I get soooooo bored

I need to organize!

I am behind schedule on everything. I've lost focus. I have become very bored with everything that comes my way. I'm struggling to keep it all together. LOL.

It's the scatterbrain in me. My cup is overflowing. I am going to slow down and disconnect for a bit. If I'm too quiet, don't worry, I am getting my mind back on track.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

$100 AmEx Gift Card Giveaway!

Another wonderful giveaway is going on over at Leslie Loves Veggies !!! Head over and enter to win a $100 American Express gift card for sharing your love for Frito Lay Snacks

Everyone loves snacks and Frito Lay now offers baked options for those of us who are counting calories. Along with the giveaway are two wonderful dip recipes you will want to try.

Head over to Frito Lay Giveaway and enter to win!

Good luck!

Friday, January 21, 2011

I've been hearing for the past few days there is a tampon shortage from New York to Philadelphia. My first reaction is to giggle like a school kid. It seems to be a serious matter though, as some women are paying up to $100 for a box.

Apparently there was a disruption of production this past Fall at O.B. I am hoping this is resolved but also hope women know these products are available online. $100 is a bit ridiculous for tampons, IMO.

This was just too weird and funny not to share. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Oh how I miss the sweetness of summer.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stripped of my nature? WHY?

I'm not sure how I feel about this whole new zodiac sign phenomenon. I understand astronomers have known this for generations and it has everything to do with the Earth's position in relation to the sun. So be it. I'm not be on horoscopes but I am a believer in astrology and how it affects personality and human traits.

So what does this mean for me. My birthday is December 28th and I have been proud to say I'm a Capricorn...until now. In the past few days, it's been revealed that I am now a Sagittarius. I am wondering if that means I should expect changes in my personality. I've been told it will be a gradual change and it may affect later generations, many years from now,

What does everyone else think? Where do you fit in? Has your zodiac sign changed?

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yummy Gummi Giveaway!

In case you've been living under a rock and haven't heard, there's a yummy, gummi giveaway over at Leslie Loves Veggies blog!

Surf Sweets All Natural Organic Gummy Candy Prize Package Giveaway is exciting for me because there is no pork allowed in my home. Surf Sweets makes products that are all natural, vegan and gluten free. Browse their website to check out what they have to offer @ Surf Sweets

With delicious candies like gummi bears, jelly beans and sour worms, there is something for everyone!

Don't forget to check out their website for more information. Surf Sweets
Then head over to Leslie Loves Veggies Surf Sweet Giveaway and take a chance on winning some of these wonderful treats for yourself! I surely am!
Good luck!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh, what now?

There are so many things I wanted to tackle today. I wanted to share my thoughts but I can't seem to get them straight.
In the forefront of my mind is the negativity going on over Twitter parties. I stopped attending them some time ago. I began participating again during the holiday season in hopes of winning some holiday prizes and gifts for the family. I've come to see there are many people who are tripping over not winning.
I know I've said before, we just can't win them all but when adults begin to throw tantrums like children, call others cheaters and accuse party hostesses of favoritism with NO proof, things are just getting ridiculous. It makes me not want to enter.
I was accused of cheating more than once, always by strangers. People who are upset that I won a prize they felt they deserved so I know exactly how it feels to be accused. I admit, I have little faith in and feel leery about a few hostesses but that just means, without proof, the best thing I can do is avoid those parties.
Which leads me back to the accusations. They are hurtful and usually unfounded. Anyone who tweets contests knows there is always someone copying your tweets, whether we realize it or not. So saying all of these accounts have the same tweets does not mean I own all of them. It only means, people see me as someone who knows where to find the best contest :P
I know I'm babbling. I'm very tired from it all. I don't like to see friends wrongfully accused. Nor do I like to accuse anyone of anything I can't prove. All of the negativity must cease.
Can't we all just get along?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

By far, this is one of my favorite wins. I will be deeply saddened when the shipments come to an end.

Monday, January 10, 2011

You win some, you lose some...

I find myself thinking back, wondering when I realized that losses outweigh wins. Take that as you want. In my year of entering contests, I have lost many more than I've won and no matter what anyone thinks, I'm all right with that.

I understand. I cannot win them all. That is okay.

Of course, there are times when I really wanted to win and I don't. It gets me down for about sixty seconds and I am over it. If I spent my time dwelling on all of my losses, I would never be happy.

I am learning to apply that to other areas of my life. Things will not always be great. I've seen enough "losses" to keep me under but I pick myself up, dust myself off and keep it moving.

I can still survive.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We don't need a resolution

As the new year approached and arrived, people have been asking about my resolutions. I have none. I feel as if I have been saying the same things, year after year. I have. I will continue to do so. My resolutions are more like goals for me.

I am not resolving to lose weight or workout or anything else that puts me on a timetable. Instead, my goal for this year is the same as always. I wish to continue working on being a better me, leaving negativity in the past and spreading love everywhere I am. A smile is infectious is my motto for 2011.

One thing I also wish to work on is how critical I can be of myself. "My only enemy is inside of me" I need to fix that.

Here's to wishing us all a wonderful year achieving our goals!